Slide LWR by Numbers Our Statistics Speak for Themselves !
LWR by Numbers2021-01-08T12:47:47+00:00
Skilled Staff

Our Staff are critical to the success of our brand and we are fortunate to have excellent long serving members of Staff and fabulous retention levels. We are continually looking for other high calibre Staff to enhance our brand. If you are interested in working for us  please look at our Work for us page.

Years Experience between All our Staff

The ability to attract, retain and develop Staff, with the tools to meet a whole host of differing Client and Candidate situations, is essential to the fulfilment of our Service standards and the reputation of our business. So the experience our Team has is essential.

Candidates placed in Permanent Roles

The fact we have been in Business a long time, means we have placed a lot of Candidates in roles and resolved a lot of problematic vacancies for our Clients. We take great satisfaction from all our placements and seeing the joy it gives all parties involved.

Temporary Assignments filled

Our Temporary Team, as you can see, is experienced in filling a variety of roles ranging from 1 day reception cover to experienced, Technical ongoing support roles, some of which can end in temping with our Clients for years.

Active Candidates on our Database

Our own database of Candidates is extensive. We hold records of many Career professionals who are not actively seeking work but who want to partner with a Consultancy who can offer advice and guidance on their next career move. In addition, we have many Candidates with a range of skill sets, looking for an imminent move either on a Permanent, Contract or Temporary basis.

Direct Job Applications Received Every Week

Our reputation, together with our extensive use of leading well-known Job boards, brings in a vast volume of Job applications each week which our Consultants review in detail to find suitable Candidates who we can assist with their next career move.

Client Retention Rate over the Last 3 Years

Our focus on our Service Charter has led to excellent Client retention rates  over the years. We work hard to attract and develop our business relationships so it is key to us that we maintain and also develop them on an ongoing basis.

Ratio of Interviews from CV's sent to Clients

The focus that we place on matching the right Candidate to the right role ensures that our Clients are only reviewing CV’s of strong, pre-screened and relevant Candidates. This also means that our Candidates are only being put forward for roles that they are genuinely keen to pursue.