Our Values as individuals at Lucy Walker Recruitment influence us in every area of the service that we provide to our Candidates looking for work and our Clients looking to recruit.
Our Values are simple and effective. In 1992, on starting the business, Lucy Walker wanted to create a true Recruitment Consultancy which would do just that -be consultative in every element of service, focusing on honesty, professionalism and quality. We do believe that we have achieved this and that as our business continues to grow, we recognise that these simple but effective values at the heart of our business, allow us to remain true to that value every day. We feel this is where we excel.
Defining our Values:
Excellence in Recruitment – This is the essence of Lucy Walker Recruitment. In an Industry where quality can sometimes be in question, we take pride in providing quality during every stage of the recruitment process. We believe this and our strength in attention to detail, is what allows us to stand out so clearly in the recruitment market and what brings people back to us time and time again. Our sheer determination to offer the highest levels of service, delights our Clients and surpasses expectations.
Professionalism – This word is over used and often under valued in the recruitment profession. Our attention to detail at every stage is paramount. We are determined to offer the highest levels of service to you and as a result of this ensure you are no less than delighted with the service you receive. Our people love the fact that they work for a truly professional Company and are eager to pass this on to you.
Honesty &Integrity- This is the real key to our success:
Honesty & Integrity for our Clients:
We will be honest about the number of Candidates we have for your role. We will stick precisely to your requirements and will introduce high calibre Candidates who we know can fulfil what you are looking for.
Honesty & Integrity for our Candidates:
Looking for work? We will be very honest about what we feel you can achieve within your next role. We will be honest with our salary guidance and we will be honest about the type of position we can introduce to you, depending on your skill set and experience. You will leave our office following your registration with a very clear idea of the role we are able find for you.
Fun and Originality
We work extremely hard to ensure our high expectations are met. We are perfectionists in all areas of our work. However we also insist that all of our People have fun at work and enjoy what they do! We run weekly, monthly and annual incentives to ensure achievement is rewarded and that we recognise the commitment demonstrated from our long serving staff.